Hearing scurrying noises in your drop ceiling? Serving the New Jersey Area


33+ Years of Service


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30K+ Satisfied Customers

Drop ceilings can harbor mice and rats seeking refuge from the outside conditions. Like the attics and crawl spaces, mice and rats bring their nuts and seeds into the drop ceilings and make themselves comfortable (rent free of course!) above the ceiling tiles and in the insulation if there is any. Once they settle in, they leave behind feces and urinate on the tiles, marking their territory and attracting them and their family back into the ceiling. They also use the pipe and wire holes in the ceiling/flooring to access other floors in the home. Their inhabiting of the space can lead to a mess, health concerns and chewed wires, which can cause electrical shortages or fire hazards. To remediate this issue, our team can safely and efficiently remove the tiles (and insulation if necessary) seal up any openings and sanitize to rid the space of any health concerns or scents attracting the rodents to the home.

Reach out to an expert today.


Reach out today to consult with an expert.

With AttiCrawl, be confident that your home is safe and your family is fully protected.

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